To our valued patients, 

Firstly, thank you for being understanding and flexible in the light of the current situation with the Coronavirus pandemic.   

I know many of you have had your appointments rescheduled and delayed due to the quick changing of restrictions to treatments we have been able to offer you.  

As of Friday evening, 8th May, we have been further downgraded to Level 1 restrictions.  

What that means for you is, if you have not; 

  • Returned from overseas in the last 14 days 
  • Had any cold or flu-like symptoms, cough, sore throat, sneezing   
  • Been in contact with any confirmed or suspected  COVID-19 positive individuals   
  • Had an upset tummy in the last few days  
  • Had a loss of taste or smell in the last few days 

….then we are able to see you & treat you with the full range of dental treatments!
Please call or email the surgery to schedule your appointment. 

If you are showing any of the above symptoms whatsoever, for the wellness of our community, you must reschedule your appointment and contact Australian Government Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 or the Healthdirect Hotline on 1800 022 222.  

We do not want you to put yourself or anyone else at risk whilst you might be sick. 

The changes we made to the waiting room will continue to stay (less seating to comply with social distancing measures & no magazines or books) and we continue to ask you to stay in your car or outside the surgery until you have been called to come in for the moment.  

Companions and carers are to remain outside of the surgery.  

The health and safety of our patients, your families and our staff is our priority.  

Keep up the good work with social distancing and hand hygiene, Australia is doing so well! 

Please don’t hesitate to call or email us if you have any concerns or wish to discuss this any further. 

Please check back here on the website regularly or follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates. 

Keep safe & see you soon, 



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